Marbled Murrelets in alternate (breeding) plumage. Photo: © Alan Burger
(listed in reverse chronological order)
A) Journal publications, book chapters and proceedings
Burger, A.E. and E.A. Stewart. 2024. Seasonal and spatial variations in densities of Marbled Murrelets Brachyramphus marmoratus off southwestern Vancouver Island. Marine Ornithology 52: 355–362. [PDF version] and the appendix: [Appendix MaMu 2024]
Burger, A.E. Waterhouse, F.L., Deal, J.A., Lank, D.B., & Donald, D.S., 2018. The reliability and application of methods used to predict suitable nesting habitat for Marbled Murrelets. Journal of Ecosystems and Management 18(1):1–18. [PDF version]
Raphael, M. G., G. A. Falxa, and A. E. Burger. 2018. Chapter 5: Marbled Murrelet. Pp. 301-350 (Vol. 1) in Spies, T.A.; Stine, P.A.; Gravenmier, R.; Long, J.W.; Reilly, M.J. (tech. coords.) Synthesis of science to inform land management within the Northwest Forest Plan area. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-966. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. [PDF version]
Cragg, J.L., A.E. Burger, and J.F. Piatt. 2016. Techniques for monitoring Brachyramphus murrelets: a comparison of radar, autonomous acoustic recording and audio-visual surveys. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40(1):130-139. [PDF version]
Cragg, J.L., A.E. Burger, and J.F. Piatt. 2015. Testing the effectiveness of automated acoustic sensors for monitoring vocal activity of Marbled Murrelets Brachyramphus marmoratus. Marine Ornithology 43:151–160. [PDF version]
Ronconi, R.A. and A.E. Burger. 2011. Foraging space as a limited resource: inter- and intra-specific competition among sympatric pursuit-diving seabirds. Canadian Journal of Zoology 89:356-368. [PDF version]
Burger, A.E., R.A. Ronconi, M.P. Silvergieter, C. Conroy, V. Bahn, I.A. Manley, A. Cober, and D.B. Lank. 2010. Factors affecting the availability of thick epiphyte mats and other potential nest platforms for Marbled Murrelets in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40(4): 727-746. [PDF version]
Waterhouse, F.L., A.E. Burger, P.K. Ott, A. Donaldson, and D.B. Lank. 2010. Does interpretation of Marbled Murrelet nesting habitat change with different classification methods? BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management 10(3):20–34. URL:
Burger A. E., I. A. Manley, M. Silvergieter, D. B. Lank, K. M. Jordan, T. D. Bloxton and M. G. Raphael. 2009. Re-use of nest sites by Marbled Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) in British Columbia. Northwestern Naturalist 90:217-226. [PDF version]
Burger, A.E. and F.L. Waterhouse. 2009. Relationships between habitat area, habitat quality, and populations of nesting Marbled Murrelets. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management 10(1):101–112. [PDF version]
Burger, A.E., F.L. Waterhouse, A. Donaldson, C. Whittaker, and D.B. Lank. 2009. New methods for assessing Marbled Murrelet nesting habitat: Air photo interpretation and low-level aerial surveys. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management 10(1):4–14. URL: [PDF version]
Hamel, N.J., A.E. Burger, K. Charleton, P. Davidson, S. Lee, D.F. Bertram, and J.K. Parrish, J.K. 2009. Bycatch and beached birds: assessing mortality impacts in coastal net fisheries using marine bird strandings. Marine Ornithology 37:41-60. [PDF version]
O’Hara, P. D., P. Davidson, and A. E. Burger. 2009. Aerial surveillance and oil spill impacts based on beached bird survey data collected in southern British Columbia. Marine Ornithology 37:61-65. [PDF version]
Ronconi, R. A. and A. E. Burger. 2009. Estimating seabird densities from vessel transects: distance sampling and implications for strip transects. Aquatic Biology 4:297-309. [PDF version]
Waterhouse, F.L., A.E. Burger, D.B. Lank, P.K. Ott, E.A. Krebs, and N. Parker. 2009. Using the low-level aerial survey method to identify Marbled Murrelet nesting habitat. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management 10(1):80–96. [PDF version]
Burger, A. E., C. L. Hitchcock, E. A. Stewart, and G. K. Davoren. 2008. Coexistence and spatial distributions of Marbled Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) and other alcids off southwest Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Auk 125:192-204. [PDF version]
Ronconi, R. A. and A. E. Burger. 2008. Limited foraging flexibility: increased foraging effort by a marine predator does not buffer against scarce prey. Marine Ecology Progress Series 366: 245–258. [PDF version]
Wong, S. N. P., R. A. Ronconi, A. E. Burger and B. Hansen. 2008. Marine distribution and behavior of juvenile and adult Marbled Murrelets off southwest Vancouver Island, British Columbia: applications for monitoring. Condor 110:306-315. [PDF version]
Burger, A. E. and R. E. Page. 2007. The need for biological realism in habitat modeling: a reinterpretation of Zharikov et al. (2006). Landscape Ecology 22:1273–1281. [PDF version]
Haynes, T. B., R. A. Ronconi and A. E. Burger. 2007. Habitat use and behavior of the Pacific sand lance (Ammodytes hexapterus) in the shallow subtidal region of southwestern Vancouver Island. Northwestern Naturalist 88:155–167. [PDF version]
Piatt, J.F., K.J. Kuletz, A.E. Burger, S.A. Hatch, V.L. Friesen, T.P. Birt, M.L. Arimitsu, G.S. Drew, A.M.A. Harding, and K.S. Bixler. 2006. Status Review of the Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) in Alaska and British Columbia. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1387. Available at:
Burger, A.E., M.M. Masselink, A.R. Tillmanns, A.R. Szabo, M. Farnholtz, and M.J. Krkosek 2004. Effects of habitat fragmentation and forest edges on predators of marbled murrelets and other forest birds on southwest Vancouver Island. In T.D. Hooper, editor. Proceedings of the Species at Risk 2004 Pathways to Recovery Conference. March 2-6, 2004, Victoria, BC. [PDF version].
Burger, A. E. and V. Bahn. 2004. Inland habitat associations of Marbled Murrelets on southwest Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Journal of Field Ornithology 75:53-66. [PDF version]
Burger, A. E., T. A. Chatwin, S. A. Cullen, N. P. Holmes, I. A. Manley, M. H. Mather, B. K. Schroeder, J. D. Steventon, J. E. Duncan, P. Arcese, and E. Selak. 2004. Application of radar surveys in the management of nesting habitat of Marbled Murrelets Brachyramphus marmoratus. Marine Ornithology 32:1-11. [pdf version]
Burger, A. E. and T. A. Chatwin (eds.). 2002. Multi-scale studies of populations, distribution and habitat associations of Marbled Murrelets in Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia. Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Victoria, BC. (ISBN 0-7726-4739-9). [Full pdf click here]
Burger, A. E. 2002. Radar inventory and watershed-level habitat associations of Marbled Murrelets in Clayoquot Sound, 1996-1998. Pp. 35-56 in Multi-scale studies of populations, distribution and habitat associations of Marbled Murrelets in Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia (A. E. Burger and T. A. Chatwin, eds.). Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Victoria, BC. [see Burger & Chatwin 2002, above, for link to pdf]
Based largely on our pioneering work on Vancouver Island, radar has become a standard method for counting Marbled Murrelets as they enter watersheds, heading for their nest sites. Much of our work in Clayoquot Sound and Barkley Sound was done using a sailboat as a support vessel. Photos: Alan Burger
Mason, A., A. E. Burger, and B. Hansen. 2002. At-sea surveys of Marbled Murrelets in Clayoquot Sound, 1996-2000. Pp. 15-32 in Multi-scale studies of populations, distribution and habitat associations of Marbled Murrelets in Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia (A. E. Burger and T. A. Chatwin, eds.). Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Victoria, BC. [see Burger & Chatwin 2002, above, for link to pdf]
Holm, K. J., and A. E. Burger. 2002. Foraging behavior and resource partitioning by diving birds during winter in areas of strong tidal currents. Waterbirds 25:312-325. [PDF version]
Burger, A. E. 2001. Using radar to estimate populations and assess habitat associations of Marbled Murrelets. Journal of Wildlife Management 65:696-715. [PDF version]
Burger, A. E. 2000. Bird in hot water: responses by Marbled Murrelets to variable ocean temperatures off southwestern Vancouver Island. Pp. 723-732 in, Proceedings of a Conference on the Biology and Management of Species and Habitats At Risk, Kamloops, B.C., 15-19 February 1999. Volume 2. (L. M. Darling, ed.). B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Victoria, B.C., and University College of the Cariboo, Kamloops, B.C. [PDF version]
Burger, A. E., V. Bahn and A. R. M. Tillmanns. 2000. Comparison of coastal fringe and interior forests as reserves for Marbled Murrelets on Vancouver Island. Condor 102:915-920. [PDF version]
Mathews, N. J. C. and A. E. Burger. 1998. Diving depth of a Marbled Murrelet. Northwestern Naturalist 79:70-71. [PDF version]
Burger, A. E. 1997. Behavior and numbers of Marbled Murrelets measured with radar. J. Field Ornithology 68:208-223. [PDF version]
Burger, A. E. 1995. Marine distribution, abundance, and habitats of Marbled Murrelets in British Columbia. Pp. 295-312 in Ecology and conservation of the Marbled Murrelet (C.J. Ralph, G.L. Hunt, Jr., M.G. Raphael and J.F. Piatt, eds.). Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-152, Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. Agriculture. Available at:
Burger, A.E. 1995. Inland habitat associations of Marbled Murrelets in British Columbia. Pp. 151-161, in Ecology and conservation of the Marbled Murrelet (C.J. Ralph, G.L. Hunt, Jr., M.G. Raphael and J.F. Piatt, eds.). Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-152, Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. Agriculture. Available at:
Mahon, T.E., G.W. Kaiser and A.E. Burger. 1992. The role of Marbled Murrelets in mixed-species feeding flocks in British Columbia. Wilson Bulletin 104:738-743. [PDF version]
Marbled Murrelets are often seen in pairs on the water. Photo: © Alan Burger
B) Theses
Cragg, J.L. 2013. Brachyramphus murrelets at high latitude: behavioural patterns and new methods for population monitoring. MSc thesis, Department of Biology. Victoria, BC, University of Victoria. [PDF version]
Setting up a radar unit to track Marbled and Kittlitz’s Murrelets at Grant’s Lagoon, Kodiak island. This was one of the sites for Jenna Cragg’s thesis work.
Ronconi, R. A. 2008. Patterns and Processes of Marine Habitat Selection: Foraging Ecology, Competition and Coexistence among Coastal Seabirds. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Biology, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada. [PDF version]
Boat surveys along the West Coast Trail coast, SW Vancouver Island were a key part of Rob Ronconi’s PhD study. Photo: © Alan Burger
Hentze, N. T. 2006. The effects of boat disturbance on seabirds off southwestern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. BSc Honours Thesis, Department of Biology, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC. [PDF version]
Nathan Hentze scanning for radio-tagged Marbled Murrelets from the Carmanah Point lighthouse. Photo: © Alan Burger
Kuletz, K. J. 2005. Foraging behavior and productivity of a non-colonial seabird, the Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus), relative to prey and habitat. PhD dissertation, University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., Canada. [PDF version]
Masselink, M.N.M. 2001. Responses by Steller’s jays to forest fragmentation on southwest Vancouver Island and potential impacts on marbled murrelets. MSc thesis, Department of Biology. Victoria, BC, University of Victoria, 138 pp.
Dechesne, S.B.C. 1998. Vocalizations of the Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus): vocal repertoire and individuality. MSc thesis, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC.
Marbled Murrelet. Photo: © Alan Burger
C) Technical reports
Burger, A. E., R. E. Page, C. J. Conroy, and B. K. Schroeder. 2006. Application of radar counts and forest cover GIS data to assess habitat associations of Marbled Murrelets breeding on southwest Vancouver Island. Unpublished report, Department of Biology, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia. [pdf version ]
Burger, A.E., F.L. Waterhouse, and J.L. Cragg. 2020. Research options to address knowledge gaps on Marbled Murrelet terrestrial habitat requirements. Prov. B.C., Victoria, B.C. Tech. Rep. 130. [PDF version]
Plissner, J. H., B. A. Cooper, R. H. Day, P. M. Sanzenbacher, A. E. Burger, and M. G. Raphael. 2015. A review of Marbled Murrelet research related to nesting habitat use and nest success. Unpublished report, Prepared for: Oregon Department of Forestry, Salem, OR. ABR, Inc.—Environmental Research & Services, Forest Grove, Oregon. [PDF version]
Cober, A., F.L. Waterhouse, A.E. Burger, A. Donaldson, B. Smart, and P.K. Ott. 2012. Using Low-level Aerial Surveys to Verify Air Photo Interpretation of Marbled Murrelet Nesting Habitat in Haida Gwaii. British Columbia Government Forestry Technical Report 070, Victoria, BC. [PDF version]
Waterhouse, F.L., A.E. Burger, A. Cober, A. Donaldson, and P.K. Ott. 2007. Assessing habitat quality of Marbled Murrelet nest sites on the Queen Charlotte Islands/Haida Gwaii, by algorithm, airphoto interpretation, and aerial survey methods. Research Section, Coast Forest Region, BC Ministry of Forests and Range. Nanaimo, BC. Technical Report TR-035. [PDF version]
Piatt, J.F., K.J. Kuletz, A.E. Burger, S.A. Hatch, V.L. Friesen, T.P. Birt, M.L. Arimitsu, G.S. Drew, A.M.A. Harding, and K.S. Bixler. 2007. Status Review of the Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) in Alaska and British Columbia. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1387. Available at:
Arcese P., Bertram, B., Burger, A. E., Cullen, S., Deal, J., Gibbs, J., Fall, A., Harfenist, A., Harper, W., Jones, G., Lank, D., Lindsay, D., Manley, I., Selak, E., Runyan, S., Schroeder, B., Staudhamer, C., Steventon, D., and Sutherland, G. 2005. Monitoring designs to detect population declines and identify their causes in the Marbled Murrelet. Report to BC Ministry of Water, Land & Air Protection. Centre for Applied Conservation Research, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC.
Manley, I., A.E. Burger, and B. K. Schroeder. 2005. Guidelines and data forms for collecting data during Marbled Murrelet radar surveys: recommendations for long-term monitoring. Unpubl. Report to Ministry Water, Land and Air Protection, Victoria, BC. (appendix to Arcese et al. 2005).
Burger, A. E., J. Hobbs, and A. Hetherington. 2005. Testing models of habitat suitability for nesting Marbled Murrelets, using low-level aerial surveys on the North Coast, British Columbia. Report to Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Smithers, BC. [PDF version]
Burger, A. E. 2004. Marbled Murrelet Brachyramphus marmoratus. Identified Wildlife Management Strategy: Accounts and Measures for Managing Identified Wildlife. Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Victoria, BC. [PDF version]
Burger, A. E. (ed.) 2004. Standard methods for identifying and ranking nesting habitat of Marbled Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) in British Columbia using air photo interpretation and low-level aerial surveys. BC Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Victoria, BC, and Ministry of Forests, Nanaimo, BC. URL: [PDF version]
McShane, C., T. Hamer, H. Carter, G. Swartzman, V. Friesen, D. Ainley, R. Tressler, K. Nelson, A. Burger, L. Spear, T. Monagen, R. Martin, L. Henkel, K. Prindle, C. Strong, and J. Keany. 2004. Evaluation report for the 5-year status review of the Marbled Murrelet in Washington, Oregon, and California. Unpublished report, prepared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 1. Portland Oregon. EDAW, Inc., Seattle, WA. Available at: McShane et al. 2004
Marbled Murrelet Recovery Team. 2003. Marbled Murrelet Conservation Assessment 2003, Part B – Marbled Murrelet Recovery Team advisory document on conservation and management. Canadian Wildlife Service, Delta, BC. [PDF version]
Burger, A. E. (ed.). 2002. Distribution and abundance of seabirds off southwest Vancouver Island: a year-round study in relation to the risks of oil spills. Report to Nestucca Trust Fund and BC Ministry of Water, Land, and Air Protection.
Burger, A. E. 2002. Conservation assessment of Marbled Murrelets in British Columbia, Part A: review of the biology, populations, habitat associations, and conservation. Technical Report Series No. 387, Canadian Wildlife Service, Delta, BC. Available at: Cons Assess Part A
Burger, A. E., V. Bahn, and A. Young. 2000. Assessment of nesting habitat for Marbled Murrelets in the Coastal Douglas-fir forests of SE Vancouver Island in 1998 and 1999. Unpubl. Report to Habitat Conservation Trust Fund and others, Victoria, B.C. [PDF version]
Burger, A.E., J.A. Booth, and K. H. Morgan. 1997. A preliminary identification of the processes and problems affecting marine birds in coastal and offshore areas of British Columbia. Tech. Rep. Series No. 277, Canadian Wildlife Service, Pacific and Yukon Region, British Columbia.
Burger, A.E. 1993. Effects of the Nestucca oil spill on seabirds along the coast of Vancouver Island in 1989. Canadian Wildlife Service Technical Report Series 179. 51 p.
Burger, A.E. 1993. Interpreting the mortality of seabirds following the Nestucca oil spill of 1988-1989: factors affecting seabirds off southwestern British Columbia and Northern Washington. Canadian Wildlife Service Technical Report Series 178. 29 p.